Grub Control
There are hundreds of different kinds of insects. Some insects are very beneficial but grubs are not one of the insects you want in your lawn!
- Animals digging up the lawn, crows congregating and pecking in the grass in the spring.
- Thin dead areas resembling lack of moisture.
- Grass pulling up from soil like a carpet due to roots being severed.
Grub Life Cycle
Grubs come up toward the surface to feed on grass roots in April and May. They emerge as adults between MayJuly (June Bug, Japanese Beetle, Masked Chafers)* and begin to feed and mate. The eggs are laid in the turf and hatch into small grubs. The grubs will feed on the turf roots through October depending on temperatures. As temperatures fall, the grubs will in turn crawl deeper in the ground. Next year the process starts all over again!
L.C.S Solution
- Purchase a granular grub control product. Adjust the lawn spreader to the proper setting according to the instructions on the product. Treat the boarder of the property first then fill in the center. Walk at a steady pace and cover lawn evenly. Lightly water the lawn to soak granules into the ground.
- Or contact L.C.S. Lawn and Tree Service today to schedule your spring and fall grub applications, ensuring proper application rate and timing!
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